Important News:

3rd Grade Orchestra Lesson Schedule

Lesson Schedule for Parents

String Instrument Care:

Ideal storage is between 65-78 degrees and 50% humidity. 

Store the instrument in a place that would be comfortable for a child with no coat. Keep it away from cold and hot places. Do not leave it in the car. 

Cold weather creates air with less moisture. As a result the wood of our string instruments shrink! Perhaps the wooden pegs become loose and the strings won't hold their tune. 

Feel free to send your child's instrument to school so Mrs. Eisenman can use peg drops to help the pegs hold their tune.

Frequently Asked Questions

3rd Grade Orchestra

When is my lesson?

Lesson take place during the school day (not before school) and alternate between each grade level's WIN period and another time throughout the day. Mrs. Eisenman will pick students up from the classroom at their special lesson time. Please review your child's lesson day based on the instrument they play. Schedules will be posted in Google Classroom for students to access. 

When is my lesson?

1 lesson per encore cycle. Students will have 1 lesson on day A, B, C, D, E, or F.

Lessons happen during the school day.

When is the concert?

The spring concert for 3rd Grade Orchestra will be on Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the Lower Moreland Middle School Auditorium/ Performing Arts Center. 

String students will need to arrive by 6:30 PM.

What do I bring for my lesson?

Violin and Viola students must bring their instrument to each lesson. 

Cello students do NOT need to bring their cello to school for lessons. 

Supplies are listed here

When are before school rehearsals?

3rd Grade Orchestra  will not have before school rehearsals until late April. More details will come in the winter of 2025

Rehearsals will occur on Wednesdays at 8:10AM. 

What supplies do I need?

A complete supply list for each instrument is available here: Supplies 

What size instrument do I need?

Measure your child and refer to THIS SIZE GUIDE.

What instruments can I play?

Please review the drop off procedure for morning rehearsals. 


Please contact Mrs. Hillary Eisenman, Pine Road General Music Teacher and 3rd Grade Orchestra Director

For fourth and fifth grade band and orchestra, please contact Mr. Glen DeGeorge, K-12 Music Department Chair 

& Instrumental Music Director (Grades 4-5), 4th and 5th Grade .General Music Teacher 

215-938-0290 ex. 6060